Waiting for a God
Who is a God? Does realy he exist? What philosophers, sociologist,
sciencist, throught the history thought about God. In this book are and
opinions of the people who didn't religious (Lenin, Marx). In this book
you can find answers in a questions like - why is religion nececry
for a people, what's Christ teaching?
Ognjenovic give easy and understandy way to realise many interesting
things about World's beginning and life on it. There are specifictions
of the most known religion – from Rgweda, Bramanism, Middle Age to Christianity,
Budism, Islam and Judaism.
Did Jesus Christ really resurrect on the cross, or it is cheat
– in Waiting for a God are a few explainations.
First suppositions is that Jesus Christ didn't resurrect on
the cross. Followers changed Christ with some other man who
was liked him.
Second suppositions is that Jesus Christ was on the cross, but
he didn't die. He wasin some kind of letargic dream or collapse. After
that his followers put him alive in the grave and Jesus went in the East,
in Indochina where died as a very old man. About it suppositions don't
exist any documents.
And there is and third supposition – that Jesus resurections
is only imaginations of all 12 apostoles. They had some kind of halucinations
and all that happening was imaginations. But, science don't know this kind
of imaginations, which followers of hypothesis wants to impute Jesus's
apostoles. It is known that apostoles was helth and psychic normal people.
In this book too was writen about relationships of science
and knowledge of the Holy Bible. Nowadays, many sciencsist agree, that
science changed through the centuries, but the Bible always was and is
the same. This truth often confirmed and science experience. Noah's ark
and deluge really exist – and science confirmed it.
Follow the secret of God
It is incredible to find a right word for sense and importance about
existence in Universe without a God. Book »Follow the secret of God« talk
about trying human's mind to find this way and the wisdom of the God.
Where is the wisdom of the God and how find it? In 7 chapters,
Ognjenovic speculated about fundamental questions – natural effort of people
to come to know unknown things, imperfect of people, effort of the God.
Effort of modern people devote them to violence, egoism
– civilisations. But, the people are estranged, unhappy, under the sign
of antichrist, belongs more to the kingdom of evil than good.
Nowadays, many of people are in servent of animal
powers, ideologies, in egoism, wich brought into danger individual and
all human race.
There are not the people without the sins, but they must
repent it.One of the most famous writers in the World, Alexandar Solzenitzin,
says that 20. century was in the sign of escape from the God. Many were
»products« of ideologic-social manipulations. When the people are out of
God – you can expect everything from them.
With this book Ognjenovic ordered – everyone is in great
mistake when think that can to outwit the God.
Alive witness
Philosophic and theologic essays about human's mind. Are
there a frontiers of the human's mind? What is a life? Why we live?
Some of interested questions and answers from this book
are – Who is the witness of Heaven's secret? Where is the house of the
saint creatures? Wich is relatshionship between the people and law? Where
is the justice? Who is the judge? About
perfection – it is target to all people in the World. Without it and Universum
will not be perfect. Some people belive in progress, science, evolution,
think that mainkind will be better, perfect. But, many don't see the dark
and disquitude where the devil rule. The last chapter of this
book, metaforic called Psalm 151. In spirit of psalm, Ognjenovic write
about repentance, sins, justice, egoism, and many bad events in our society.
Way and outway
After 50 years without the God and religion, our society wants to back
in a right way –way of God. But it isn't too easy. Its appear many
ideas, books, knowledges, teachers, who wants to fill emptyness in human
soul with many untruth.
The way of God and religion is a right way. All another is falsely.
In this book, Ognjenovic wrote about many bad occurrence wich follow our
civilizations and society: false prophets, spiritist, bioenergeticals,
sect's men. Where find the truth? Where find a good? Answer is – in back
to God.
Nowadays, lot of medias, TV, radio, newspapers,
help this negative phenomenons. In many keys, peple don't know to recognize
righ truth from lies. How they can recognize srvant of Devil? What the
Bible say about it?
In book Way and outway writer find, through the Bible,
a solution of this problem and gave proof how the Bible is book for everyone
and everytimes. One part of book is about dreams. What is the dreams? What
Good wants to discover to his belivers through the dreams.
That another world
Stories about stange things in the World and between the
people. In this book are 20 stories about meeting with a strange creatures
from the World and out of it. Does Inner side of World really exist, or
it's a part of our imaginations? What's a unseen powers?
Some people apart stories on daily and nightly. The stories
from book That another world are nightly. It was told in the night, near
fire, by grandfather or any old peple. This stories are product of colective
mind and Ognjenovic heared him in his homeland, in Montenegro.
This kind of stories, authenticly origin, in folkloral
imaginations, in strange fascinations didn't used enough in our literature.
Ognjenovic give him another life. This stories was real events, but and
a kind of fantastic.
Near this kind of stories, writer gave and the same stories
from the World, wich published in several newspaper. There are strange
things from Amazonia, Loch Ness, Sibiria, Tibet, Greenland, New Zenland,
Mexico, Japan, Brazil...
It is very interesting, for readers not too known, a flight
of american Admiral Richard Byrd to North Pole. In february, 1947. he flew
to North Pole, and went in Inner side of World – in kingdom of Arianni.
There he saw mamooths, tall, blond men and his master. Is it true? Does
allians exist? What says the science and whitneses? Are we alone in the
World and in the space?
The prophets speeks
New interpretation two books of Holy bible. What say the most popular
book in the world, Holy bible, about our days, next world war, destiny
of the human race. Will Jesus Christ come again?
On this and many interested questions Ognjenovic give ansvers, trought
interpretation two prophet's book Daniel's book (Old testament) and Revelation
(New testament). Another interested themes from this book are – The prophets
and third world's war, The last fight,
The sign of the angel's and the sign of the devil's, Four angels from the
river Euphrat, The kings from East – winners, Armagedon is reality, The
judgement day – who will survive?
Why only Danil's prophecy and Relevations, when
in the Bible have too much books of prophets? One of the reason is that
nobody like God don't know future. None man, like prophets Danil and st.
John haven't been so close near God and to his wisdom. That is the truth
confirm us the history of human race.
What is the last fight? Where 'll happen it? How
the World 'll look like after it? Will survive only just belivers?
Some theologists says that the last fight will happen
on field wich was bought by Juda's money. Some think that is Armagedon.
Sign of Angel's
Vuk Kajtazović, protagonist of this novel is a man
born under the sign of the angel. The God protect him and help him in every
difficult moment. Vuk 'll have very interested life way. In this novel
have lot of mistic, adventures and reality, too.
Sign of angel is lyric prose, story about human's
hope, beautifuls of the life, magical presentiment, about yong dreamer,
Vuk Kajtazovic. He didn't find peace nowhere – neither in his homeland,
in Montenegro, neither in Belgrade, London, South Africa and America.
Bhoem and wanderer, Vuk easy and fast become rich, but
money can't change emptyness in his soul. He didn't have lucky with a women
(Ivana, Nata, Stephany, Slavica, Jolanda). All of them was beautiful mistress,
What will happen at least with a Vuk Kajtazovic? Will
he stay alone or 'll find luck on some other place, You 'll know if read
this magic, neoromantic novel.